
I'm a Master's Candidate in Industrial Engineering at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. I did my bachelor's at the KIT as well and I am interested in computer science. My current focus is primarily on all sorts of machine learning.
On rainy days I spend my free time on my computer programming some new ideas - if it's sunny I love to go for a bike ride with my friends.


University Group Work

The project aim was to implement a computer vision task on a jetson nano. For more visit the documentation.

Webpage for a Midwife

A static webpage for a midwife based in Witten.

Nasa-picture of the day

Just a fun project I was doing at Siemens when I first got in touch with html, css & js.
[code] [demo]


Industrial Machine Tool Component Surface Defect Dataset

Tobias Schlagenhauf, Magnus Landwehr
Data in Brief
[paper] [code/data]

Interview-Analysis of the Impact of Integrating Computer Vision Technology in Biomedical Imaging on the Organizational Identity of Healthcare Professionals

Christian Ohmstedt, Magnus Landwehr, Nils Ness
cii Student Papers - 2023


You can download my current CV here